Here, we let you know that we can do a VIN verification without you having to go to the DMV as long as your vehicle NOT is Salvage .
So, this is a physical inspection of your vehicle that is documented on a VIN Verification form ( REG 31 ). The DMV may request one for certain vehicles in certain circumstances, for example, if you are going to do an Out-of-State Transfer. The DMV requires that this inspection be done by an authorized DMV agent. It is important not to confuse this verification with a vehicle record, the record is to confirm the history of the vehicle, and an inspection or VIN verification is to confirm other factors such as year, make, model, weight, etc.
Here is a list of reasons why you require one of these verifications:
Unfortunately, we cannot go to where the vehicle is, nor can the DMV or CHP agents, if your vehicle is inoperable at the moment, you will have to tow it.
To do a VIN inspection of a Salvage vehicle, contact the nearest California Highway Patrol or DMV in your area.
Contact us by telephone, email, Facebook, Twitter, text message, Instagram, or Google if you have questions about this process or need more information about a process that involves a VIN check. We are available for you.